Immediately after logging in, a small 'message' box appearred over systray stating, "Operation has failed. Operation execution failed. Description: See operation log for details." Just started last night. ALSO, I am not alone in suffering from this issue. Other MSFT forums have begun to report the problem...and everybody is baffled! I WONDER IF IT IS A SECURITY ISSUE? Something created to resemble an official Win 7 error message. I can't find any Windows log for this error. I opened Windows 7 Event Viewer utility, searched the logs thoroughly, and couldn't find any 'events' (or errors) matching this 'Operation has failed'. Checked other areas where Win 7 stores logs...and again, nothing. This 'Operation has Failed' message is quite vague too. No error code is mentioned. The message's error icon looks more early Vista than like a Windows 7 system icon. Again, I wonder if this error was even generated by Windows 7! So, I wonder if this error message is associated with something that is not a part of Windows 7! (I ran a full scan with Microsoft Security Essentials: no malware was reported. I will run additional scans with other anti-virus software.) So far, in spite of much effort, I have not found a solution. HECK, I can't even determine the true nature or source of this issue. Even System Restore did not resolve the issue! HAS ANYBODY ENCOUNTERED THIS ISSUE YET? People on the Windows 7 forum of Microsoft Answers have reported the same 'Operation Failed' message...and nobody can figure out what to do about it! All replies will be deeply appreciated. Thank you, Preston Mitchell Preston Mitchell
July 6th, 2011 6:36pm

MYSTERY ERROR MESSAGE IDENTIFIED & RESOLVED Acronis True Image Home 2011 was the culprit. That popular back-up software has issues with Windows 7's native back-up system. Uninstalled Acronis, error message disappeared. It was devil of a time identifying the root cause. The error message offered no hint that the it was associated with Acronis; and it closely resembled a Win 7 error message. It took 5 hours with MSFT W7 Tech Support to nail it down to Acronis. Preston Mitchell
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July 7th, 2011 1:15am

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